A half-solution to SEO may lead to over-optimization

The state of knowing SEO is very dangerous. In fact, people who just understand the corners of some information and start practicing on the website can easily become a disaster, and the problems that arise are highly likely to cause “over-optimization”.

In order to determine rankings and detect spam, search engines will focus on a large number of signals, and will also check the site to determine if there is over-optimization and will present the results in rankings, such as reducing the ranking of over-optimized sites.

Any unnatural behavior may cause the site to be over-optimized. Here are a few examples:

There are duplicate page titles and H1 content on the website page. If subheading on the page also uses duplicate keywords, or all internal links to the page use anchor text that is identical to the page title, it is easily considered over-optimized. Although the scale is different, it is very similar to the keyword stacking practice in early optimization. In general, people can't write content naturally in this way, which is extremely inappropriate for users, search engine reviewers, and search engine algorithms.

There are too many internal links on the website that are not relevant. For example, many publishers know the value of linking from other pages of a website to more important pages. You can also link to 10 more important pages of your website from almost any page. But if there are too many cross-links (even if there are already 25), it would be too risky to continue.

Just make a page for SEO, not based on user experience. People who just know the keyword value and know the long tail keyword are very easy to do. They will post a large amount of text content that users will not even want to see, and if they do, they will quickly ignore it. Because these texts are not intended to be viewed by users, they are often written poorly and are filled with keywords and a large number of inner links. Sometimes the content looks like the publisher deliberately made the text difficult to read. For example, a 25-line block of text in a paragraph is not for the user.

Be careful when optimizing the page. Doing too much for a particular keyword or group of specific keywords may not be worth the candle. Let the content of those pages focus more on the optimization of users and conversions. You may find that this is the better SEO practice.

Also, be careful when you do SEO training for writers/editors. Many writers will insert too many keywords into the article with good wishes, but this is not good for the average reader. To write good content, not to give writers/editors too many SEO tasks. You don't know how they will cooperate.

Give them the title of the article you want, tell them the topics and sub-topics you want to use, and let them write. This way you will do it more easily.